The JSONP Utility is a specialized API for communicating with web
services that provide JSON responses wrapped in a callback
function. A typical JSONP request URL might look like
"" and
receive a text response in the form of
The nature of YUI 3's sandbox model complicates JSONP transactions
because JSONP relies on a global access point to process the
response, but YUI 3 implementation code is typically wrapped in a
callback and is therefore not globally
accessible. The JSONP module provides a proxy system for
channeling JSONP responses back into your YUI instance sandbox.
Security Note: JSONP is an inherently unsecure communication method, since it involves the transfer of unvalidated JavaScript. It is by convention alone that the format is associated with JSON, but in reality, the response can include any arbitrary JavaScript, potentially opening your page to attack. Be cautious about which services you communicate with via JSONP. For safe JSON communication, use the JSON module in conjunction with the IO module wherever possible.
Getting Started
To include the source files for JSONP and its dependencies, first load the YUI seed file if you haven't already loaded it.
<script src=""></script>
Next, create a new YUI instance for your application and populate it with the
modules you need by specifying them as arguments to the YUI().use()
YUI will automatically load any dependencies required by the modules you
// Create a new YUI instance and populate it with the required modules. YUI().use('jsonp', 'jsonp-url', function (Y) { // JSONP is available and ready for use. Add implementation // code here. });
For more information on creating YUI instances and on the
method, see the
documentation for the YUI Global object.
Using the JSONP Utility
Instantiation and the Y.jsonp
The JSONP utility provides the Y.jsonp(url, callback)
for single transactions as well as a Y.JSONPRequest
class to
manage reusable connections.
The first argument to either the Y.jsonp
method or the
constructor is the URL of the JSONP service,
and the second is a callback function or configuration
object that contains a callback function. When the service responds
with the data, the callback will be executed with the response data as the
first parameter.
In place of the JSONP callback name in the URL, include the string "{callback}". This placeholder will be used for a proxy function that will route the data to your callback.
// instead of service.php?callback=handleJSONP var url = "{callback}"; function handleJSONP(response) { // response is a JavaScript object. No parsing necessary"#output").setContent(response.outputHTML); } Y.jsonp(url, handleJSONP); // or var service = new Y.JSONPRequest(url, handleJSONP); service.send();
Sending JSONP requests
Y.jsonp(url, callback)
will dispatch the request immediately.
JSONPRequest instances will dispatch the request each time their
method is called.
// request sent immediately Y.jsonp(url, handleJSONP); // No request sent var service = new Y.JSONPRequest(url, handleJSONP); // ...until now service.send(); // ...and now again service.send();
Y.jsonp(url, callback)
is a convenience wrapper to instantiate
a JSONPRequest instance and call its send()
This will generate a request to a URL like this one (note that the
placeholder has been replaced with a dynamically
generated callback name):
The server will then be expected to respond with a JavaScript value wrapped in a call to that function, like this:
Configuring the connection
The second argument to either Y.jsonp
or the
constructor can be a success callback function
or for more control, it can be a configuration object. The supported keys
of this object are:
Property | Description |
timeout |
This value, defined as milliseconds, is a time threshold for
the transaction (e.g., { timeout: 2000 } ). When
this limit is reached, the transaction's
on.timeout callback will be executed if
context |
Defines what will be "this " in the
callbacks. If undefined, the default will be the JSONPRequest
args | An array of additional arguments that will be passed to the callbacks as second, third, and so on arguments. |
on |
Required. This object defines the
callbacks to be used for the transaction. At least an
format |
Preprocessor function to stitch together the supplied URL
(first argument), the proxy function name (internally
generated), and any additional arguments passed to
send() . See Customizing the
JSONP URL for more detail.
This is an example of a configuration object, with a set of properties defined.
var url = "{callback}", service = new Y.JSONPRequest(url, { on: { success: MyApp.handleJSONP, timeout: MyApp.handleTimeout }, context: MyApp timeout: 3000, // 3 second timeout args: [new Date(), 100] // e.g. handleJSONP(data, date, number) }); service.send(); // or Y.jsonp(url, { on: { success: MyApp.handleJSONP, timeout: MyApp.handleTimeout }, context: MyApp timeout: 3000, // 3 second timeout args: [new Date(), 100] // e.g. handleJSONP(data, date, number) });
Parsing the callback from the URL
An extension for the jsonp
module is the
module which provides a few additional features.
If you have a global function or a function available from the YUI
instance (e.g.
), you can include the name in the URL and omit the second parameter entirely. - The URL passed as the first parameter need not include the "{callback}" string. If it is not found, it will look for "callback=", then fall back to adding the query parameter onto the URL.
Y.MyApp.handleJSONP = function (data) {"#output").setContent(data.outputHTML); }; Y.jsonp(""); // or Y.jsonp("", { context: Y.MyApp, on: { success: Y.MyApp.handleJSONP, failure: Y.MyApp.handleFailure } });
Customizing the JSONP URL
The default URL formatter simply replaces the "{callback}"
placehold with the name of the generated proxy function. If you want to
customize the URL generation process, you can provide a format
function in the configuration. The function will receive the configured
URL (with "{callback}" placeholder), the string name of the proxy
function, and any additional arguments that were passed to
// Our custom formatter will expect a URL with an additional placeholder for // username that must be supplied in send("bill"); // e.g. function prepareJSONPUrl(url, proxy, username) { return Y.Lang.sub(url, { callback: proxy, name: username || "user" }); } var url = "{name}/json?fn={callback}"; var service = new Y.JSONPRequest(url, { format: prepareJSONPUrl, on: { success: handleJSONP } }); service.send("apipkin"); service.send("tivac"); service.send("razass");
Known Issues
- Unlike the XMLHttpRequest calls generated by the IO utility, JSONP requests can't be aborted, since they rely on dynamic script insertion (which provides less low-level control than XHR). Keep this in mind when deciding which method to use.
- Since most browsers don't enforce execution order for dynamically inserted scripts, JSONP callbacks may not be called in the same order that the requests were sent. On the other hand, some browsers do enforce execution order, so in these browsers a slow request may block the execution of subsequent JSONP callbacks.