$Id: CHANGELOG.txt,v 2011/01/10 22:12:26 alexb Exp $ Job Scheduler 7.x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ----------------------------------------- - Jose Reyero: Auto schedule jobs. - Jose Reyero: Reschedule jobs from hook implementation. - Jose Reyero: Provide crontab style scheduling. - Jose Reyero: Provide triggers. Job Scheduler 7.x 2.0 Alpha 1, 2010-09-29 ----------------------------------------- - #922702: Fix Drupal Queue integration. Note: JobScheduler API has changed significantly, API users must declare callbacks with hook_cron_job_scheduler_info() and the call signature for managing jobs has changed. Please review README.txt. - Upgrade to Drupal 7. Job Scheduler 6.x 1.0 Beta 3, 2010-09-14 ---------------------------------------- - Fix notice. Job Scheduler 6.x 1.0 Beta 2, 2010-09-12 ---------------------------------------- - Replace FEEDS_REQUEST_TIME with JOB_SCHEDULER_REQUEST_TIME. - Fix indexes. Job Scheduler 6.x 1.0 Beta 1, 2010-09-11 ---------------------------------------- - Initial commit: schedule execution at predetermined time, periodic scheduling.