This example shows how to explicitly define the axes and series for a Chart
Defining the axes and series for a Chart
As we have seen from previous examples, the Chart
class allows you to create and customize multiple chart types with very little code. Sometimes you'll want more control
over the Chart
. Suppose you want to place your value axis on the right or you need different series types in the same chart. Charts allows you to explicitly define your series and axes objects. You can either declare
an axis or series directly or define them with an object literal and allow the Chart
instance to build them for you. In this example, we are going to define our axes and series with
object literals. This will allow us to place our value axis on the right and build a chart with columns and lines.
YUI().use('charts', function (Y) { //dataProvider source var myDataValues = [ {date:"1/1/2010", miscellaneous:2000, expenses:3700, revenue:2200}, {date:"2/1/2010", miscellaneous:5000, expenses:9100, revenue:100}, {date:"3/1/2010", miscellaneous:4000, expenses:1900, revenue:1500}, {date:"4/1/2010", miscellaneous:3000, expenses:3900, revenue:2800}, {date:"5/1/2010", miscellaneous:500, expenses:7000, revenue:2650}, {date:"6/1/2010", miscellaneous:3000, expenses:4700, revenue:1200} ]; //Define our axes for the chart. var myAxes = { financials:{ keys:["miscellaneous", "revenue", "expenses"], position:"right", type:"numeric", styles:{ majorTicks:{ display: "none" } } }, dateRange:{ keys:["date"], position:"bottom", type:"category", styles:{ majorTicks:{ display: "none" }, label: { rotation:-45, margin:{top:5} } } } }; //define the series var seriesCollection = [ { type:"column", xAxis:"dateRange", yAxis:"financials", xKey:"date", yKey:"miscellaneous", xDisplayName:"Date", yDisplayName:"Miscellaneous", styles: { border: { weight: 1, color: "#58006e" }, over: { fill: { alpha: 0.7 } } } }, { type:"column", xAxis:"dateRange", yAxis:"financials", xKey:"date", yKey:"expenses", yDisplayName:"Expenses", styles: { marker:{ fill: { color: "#e0ddd0" }, border: { weight: 1, color: "#cbc8ba" }, over: { fill: { alpha: 0.7 } } } } }, { type:"combo", xAxis:"dateRange", yAxis:"financials", xKey:"date", yKey:"revenue", xDisplayName:"Date", yDisplayName:"Deductions", line: { color: "#ff7200" }, marker: { fill: { color: "#ff9f3b" }, border: { color: "#ff7200", weight: 1 }, over: { width: 12, height: 12 }, width:9, height:9 } } ]; //instantiate the chart var myChart = new Y.Chart({ dataProvider:myDataValues, axes:myAxes, seriesCollection:seriesCollection, horizontalGridlines: true, verticalGridlines: true, render:"#mychart" }); });