Example: DataType.Number.format()

The Number module of the DataType Utility allows you to take a number and format it into a string with the following configuration parameters: decimalPlaces, decimalSeparator, thousandsSeparator, prefix, and suffix. Although this method allows you to specify HTML values, in this example the formatted output will be escaped for security.


To output a number as a string, simply call the format() function of the DataType.Number class:

YUI().use("datatype-number", function(Y) {

    // This alerts the string "123123123"
The format() function also takes a variety of configuration parameters that manipulate the value of the string. This is helpful, for instance, when displaying numbers as currency:
YUI().use("datatype-number", function(Y) {
        prefix: "¥",
        thousandsSeparator: ".",
        decimalSeparator: ",",
        decimalPlaces: 2,
        suffix: " (YEN)"

    // This alerts the string "¥123.123.123,18 (YEN)"

Note: Although this method allows you to specify HTML values, in this example the formatted output will be escaped for security.