Example: Portal Style Example

This is a portal style example using Drag & Drop event bubbling and animation.

Full example source

//Use loader to grab the modules needed
YUI().use('dd', 'anim', 'yql', 'cookie', 'json', function(Y) {
    //Make this an Event Target so we can bubble to it
    var Portal = function() {
        Portal.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
    Portal.NAME = 'portal';
    Y.extend(Portal, Y.Base);
    //This is our new bubble target..
    Y.Portal = new Portal();

    //Setup some private variables..
    var goingUp = false, lastY = 0, trans = {};

    //The list of feeds that we are going to use
    var feeds = {
        'ynews': {
            id: 'ynews',
            title: 'Yahoo! US News',
            url: 'rss.news.yahoo.com/rss/us'
        'yui': {
            id: 'yui',
            title: 'YUI Blog',
            url: 'feeds.yuiblog.com/YahooUserInterfaceBlog'
        'slashdot': {
            id: 'slashdot',
            title: 'Slashdot',
            url: 'rss.slashdot.org/Slashdot/slashdot'
        'ajaxian': {
            id: 'ajaxian',
            title: 'Ajaxian',
            url: 'feeds.feedburner.com/ajaxian'
        'daringfireball': {
            id: 'daringfireball',
            title: 'Daring Fireball',
            url: 'daringfireball.net/index.xml'
        'wiredtech': {
            id: 'wiredtech',
            title: 'Wire: Tech Biz',
            url: 'www.wired.com/rss/techbiz.xml'
        'techcrunch': {
            id: 'techcrunch',
            title: 'TechCrunch',
            url: 'feedproxy.google.com/Techcrunch'
        'smashing': {
            id: 'smashing',
            title: 'Smashing Magazine',
            url: 'www.smashingmagazine.com/wp-rss.php'

    //Simple method for stopping event propagation
    //Using this so we can detach it later
    var stopper = function(e) {

    //Get the order, placement and minned state of the modules and save them to a cookie
    var _setCookies = function() {
        var dds = Y.DD.DDM._drags;
        var list = {};
        //Walk all the drag elements
        Y.each(dds, function(v, k) {
            var par = v.get('node').get('parentNode');
            //Find all the lists with drag items in them
            if (par.test('ul.list')) {
                if (!list[par.get('id')]) {
                    list[par.get('id')] = [];
        //Walk the list
        Y.each(list, function(v, k) {
            //Get all the li's in the list
            var lis = Y.all('#' + k + ' li.item');
            lis.each(function(v2, k2) {
                //Get the drag instance for the list item
                var dd = Y.DD.DDM.getDrag('#' + v2.get('id'));
                //Get the mod node
                var mod = dd.get('node').one('div.mod');
                //Is it minimized
                var min = (mod.hasClass('minned')) ? true : false;
                //Setup the cookie data
                list[k][list[k].length] = { id: dd.get('data').id, min: min };
        //JSON encode the cookie data
        var cookie = Y.JSON.stringify(list);
        //Set the sub-cookie
        Y.Cookie.setSub('yui', 'portal', cookie);

    //Helper method for creating the feed DD on the left
    var _createFeedDD = function(node, data) {
        //Create the DD instance
        var dd = new Y.DD.Drag({
            node: node,
            data: data,
            bubbles: Y.Portal
        }).plug(Y.Plugin.DDProxy, {
            moveOnEnd: false,
            borderStyle: 'none'
        //Setup some stopper events
        dd.on('drag:start', _handleStart);
        dd.on('drag:end', stopper);
        dd.on('drag:drophit', stopper);

    //Handle the node:click event
    var _nodeClick = function(e) {
        //Is the target an href?
        if (e.target.test('a')) {
            var a = e.target, anim = null, div = a.get('parentNode').get('parentNode');
            //Did they click on the min button
            if (a.hasClass('min')) {
                //Get some node references
                var ul = div.one('ul'),
                    h2 = div.one('h2'),
                h = h2.get('offsetHeight'),
                hUL = ul.get('offsetHeight'),
                inner = div.one('div.inner');
                //Create an anim instance on this node.
                anim = new Y.Anim({
                    node: inner
                //Is it expanded?
                if (!div.hasClass('minned')) {
                    //Set the vars for collapsing it
                        to: {
                            height: 0
                        duration: '.25',
                        easing: Y.Easing.easeOut,
                        iteration: 1
                    //On the end, toggle the minned class
                    //Then set the cookies for state
                    anim.on('end', function() {
                } else {
                    //Set the vars for expanding it
                        to: {
                            height: (hUL)
                        duration: '.25',
                        easing: Y.Easing.easeOut,
                        iteration: 1
                    //Toggle the minned class
                    //Then set the cookies for state
                //Run the animation

            //Was close clicked?
            if (a.hasClass('close')) {
                //Get some Node references..
                var li = div.get('parentNode'),
                    id = li.get('id'),
                    dd = Y.DD.DDM.getDrag('#' + id),
                    data = dd.get('data'),
                    item = Y.one('#' + data.id);

                //Destroy the DD instance.
                //Setup the animation for making it disappear
                anim = new Y.Anim({
                    node: div,
                    to: {
                        opacity: 0
                    duration: '.25',
                    easing: Y.Easing.easeOut
                anim.on('end', function() {
                    //On end of the first anim, setup another to make it collapse
                    var anim = new Y.Anim({
                        node: div,
                        to: {
                            height: 0
                        duration: '.25',
                        easing: Y.Easing.easeOut
                    anim.on('end', function() {
                        //Remove it from the document
                        //Setup a drag instance on the feed list
                        _createFeedDD(item, data);

                    //Run the animation
                //Run the animation
            //Stop the click
    //This creates the module, either from a drag event or from the cookie load
    var setupModDD = function(mod, data, dd) {
        var node = mod;
        //Listen for the click so we can react to the buttons
        node.one('h2').on('click', _nodeClick);
        //Remove the event's on the original drag instance
        //It's a target
        dd.set('target', true);
        //Setup the handles
        //Remove the mouse listeners on this node
        //Update a new node
        dd.set('node', mod);
        //Reset the mouse handlers

        Y.YQL('select * from feed where url="http:/'+'/' + data.url + '"', (function(mod) {
            return function(r) {
                if (r && r.query && r.query.results) {
                    var inner = mod.one('div.inner'),
                    html = '';
                    //Walk the list and create the news list
                    Y.each(r.query.results, function(items) {
                        Y.each(items, function(v, k) {
                            if (k < 5) {
                                if (v.title && v.title.content) {
                                    v.title = v.title.content;
                                if (v.link && (Y.Lang.isArray(v.link))) {
                                    v.link = v.link[0];
                                html += Y.Lang.sub('<li><a href="{link}" target="_blank">{title}</a>', v);
                    //Set the innerHTML of the module
                    inner.set('innerHTML', '<ul>' + html + '</ul>');
                    if (Y.DD.DDM.activeDrag) {
                        //If we are still dragging, update the proxy element too..
                        var proxy_inner = Y.DD.DDM.activeDrag.get('dragNode').one('div.inner');
                        proxy_inner.set('innerHTML', '<ul>' + html + '</ul>');


    //Helper method to create the markup for the module..
    var createMod = function(feed) {
        var str = '<li class="item">' +
                    '<div class="mod">' + 
                        '<h2><strong>' + feed.title + '</strong> <a title="minimize module" class="min" href="#">-</a>' +
                        '<a title="close module" class="close" href="#">X</a></h2>' +
                        '<div class="inner">' +
                        '    <div class="loading">Feed loading, please wait..</div>' + 
                        '</div>' +
                    '</div>' +
        return Y.Node.create(str);
    //Handle the start Drag event on the left side
    var _handleStart = function(e) {
        //Stop the event
        //Some private vars
        var drag = this,
            list3 = Y.one('#list1'),
            mod = createMod(drag.get('data'));
        //Add it to the first list
        //Set the item on the left column disabled.
        //Set the node on the instance
        drag.set('node', mod);
        //Add some styles to the proxy node.
            opacity: '.5',
            borderStyle: 'none',
            width: '320px',
            height: '61px'
        //Update the innerHTML of the proxy with the innerHTML of the module
        drag.get('dragNode').set('innerHTML', drag.get('node').get('innerHTML'));
        //set the inner module to hidden
        drag.get('node').one('div.mod').setStyle('visibility', 'hidden');
        //add a class for styling
        //Setup the DD instance
        setupModDD(mod, drag.get('data'), drag);

        //Remove the listener
        this.detach('drag:start', _handleStart);
    //Walk through the feeds list and create the list on the left
    var feedList = Y.one('#feeds ul');
    Y.each(feeds, function(v, k) {
        var li = Y.Node.create('<li id="' + k + '">' + v.title + '</li>');
        //Create the DD instance for this item
        _createFeedDD(li, v);

    //This does the calculations for when and where to move a module
    var _moveMod = function(drag, drop) {
        if (drag.get('node').hasClass('item')) {
            var dragNode = drag.get('node'),
                dropNode = drop.get('node'),
                append = false,
                padding = 30,
                xy = drag.mouseXY,
                region = drop.region,
                middle1 = region.top + ((region.bottom - region.top) / 2),
                middle2 = region.left + ((region.right - region.left) / 2),
                dir = false,
                dir1 = false,
                dir2 = false;
                //We could do something a little more fancy here, but we won't ;)
                if ((xy[1] < (region.top + padding))) {
                    dir1 = 'top';
                if ((region.bottom - padding) < xy[1]) {
                    dir1 = 'bottom';
                if ((region.right - padding) < xy[0]) {
                    dir2 = 'right';
                if ((xy[0] < (region.left + padding))) {
                    dir2 = 'left';
                dir = dir2;
                if (dir2 === false) {
                    dir = dir1;
                switch (dir) {
                    case 'top':
                        var next = dropNode.get('nextSibling');
                        if (next) {
                            dropNode = next;
                        } else {
                            append = true;
                    case 'bottom':
                    case 'right':
                    case 'left':

            if ((dropNode !== null) && dir) {
                if (dropNode && dropNode.get('parentNode')) {
                    if (!append) {
                        dropNode.get('parentNode').insertBefore(dragNode, dropNode);
                    } else {
            //Resync all the targets because something moved..
            Y.Lang.later(50, Y, function() {

    Handle the drop:enter event
    Now when we get a drop enter event, we check to see if the target is an LI, then we know it's out module.
    Here is where we move the module around in the DOM.    
    Y.Portal.on('drop:enter', function(e) {
        if (!e.drag || !e.drop || (e.drop !== e.target)) {
            return false;
        if (e.drop.get('node').get('tagName').toLowerCase() === 'li') {
            if (e.drop.get('node').hasClass('item')) {
                _moveMod(e.drag, e.drop);

    //Handle the drag:drag event
    //On drag we need to know if they are moved up or down so we can place the module in the proper DOM location.
    Y.Portal.on('drag:drag', function(e) {
        var y = e.target.mouseXY[1];
        if (y < lastY) {
            goingUp = true;
        } else {
            goingUp = false;
        lastY = y;

    Handle the drop:hit event
    Now that we have a drop on the target, we check to see if the drop was not on a LI.
    This means they dropped on the empty space of the UL.
    Y.Portal.on('drag:drophit', function(e) {
        var drop = e.drop.get('node'),
            drag = e.drag.get('node');

        if (drop.get('tagName').toLowerCase() !== 'li') {
            if (!drop.contains(drag)) {

    //Handle the drag:start event
    //Use some CSS here to make our dragging better looking.
    Y.Portal.on('drag:start', function(e) {
        var drag = e.target;
        if (drag.target) {
            drag.target.set('locked', true);
        drag.get('dragNode').set('innerHTML', drag.get('node').get('innerHTML'));
        drag.get('node').one('div.mod').setStyle('visibility', 'hidden');

    //Handle the drag:end event
    //Replace some of the styles we changed on start drag.
    Y.Portal.on('drag:end', function(e) {
        var drag = e.target;
        if (drag.target) {
            drag.target.set('locked', false);
        drag.get('node').setStyle('visibility', '');
        drag.get('node').one('div.mod').setStyle('visibility', '');
        drag.get('dragNode').set('innerHTML', '');

    //Handle going over a UL, for empty lists
    Y.Portal.on('drop:over', function(e) {
        var drop = e.drop.get('node'),
            drag = e.drag.get('node');

        if (drop.get('tagName').toLowerCase() !== 'li') {
            if (!drop.contains(drag)) {
                Y.Lang.later(50, Y, function() {

    //Create simple targets for the main lists..
    var uls = Y.all('#play ul.list');
    uls.each(function(v, k) {
        var tar = new Y.DD.Drop({
            node: v,
            padding: '20 0',
            bubbles: Y.Portal
    //Get the cookie data
    var cookie = Y.Cookie.getSub('yui', 'portal');
    if (cookie) {
        //JSON parse the stored data
        var obj = Y.JSON.parse(cookie);

        //Walk the data
        Y.each(obj, function(v, k) {
            //Get the node for the list
            var list = Y.one('#' + k);
            //Walk the items in this list
            Y.each(v, function(v2, k2) {
                //Get the drag for it
                var drag = Y.DD.DDM.getDrag('#' + v2.id);
                //Create the module
                var mod = createMod(drag.get('data'));
                if (v2.min) {
                    //If it's minned add some CSS
                    mod.one('div.inner').setStyle('height', '0px');
                //Add it to the list
                //Set the drag listeners
                drag.set('node', mod);
                drag.set('dragNode', Y.DD.DDM._proxy);
                //Setup the new Drag listeners
                setupModDD(mod, drag.get('data'), drag);