The key Event

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The event-key module adds the "key" event for subscribing to keyboard events triggered by users entering specific keys. The subscription signature includes a filter configuration that can be used to limit event triggering based on key codes, shift, ctrl, alt, or meta keys pressed, as well as specifying the keyboard event (keydown, keyup, or keypress).

The filtering spec

Example subscriptions might look like this:

// certain keys can be referenced by name
input.on('key', saveAndClose, 'enter');

// require modifier keys with +(modifier)'doc').on('key', composeMail, 'n+ctrl');

// specify the event and key codes
    .delegate('key', moveAround, 'down:37,38,39,40', '.yui3-datatable-liner');

The third argument is the filtering spec. Similar to using the node.delegate() method, the callback is only executed if the key event matches the filter. The supported filter syntax is a string defined like this:

  1. (0..1) type followed by a colon
  2. (0..n) comma separated codes
  3. (0..n) modifiers, each preceded by "+"

Choo choo!

If you're into railroad diagrams, the filter spec looks like this:

  • "

  • type :

  • code


  • +modifier

  • "

Filter tokens

"down", "up", or "press" for keydown, keyup, and keypress. The default is keypress.
Any numeric keyCode, unicode character, or common key name.
"shift", "alt", "ctrl", or "meta". "meta" is the Windows key on Windows-friendly keyboards or the Command key on Apple keyboards. Remember each must be prefixed with "+".

Common keys by name

Certain keys are common enough that referring to them by name is just easier and makes the code more readable. The supported key names are:

Name e.keyCode
enter 13
esc 27
backspace 8
tab 9
pageup 33
pagedown 34

If any of these are found in the spec, the default type becomes keydown.

If you have a mind to extend this map, it's stored in Y.Node.DOM_EVENTS.key.eventDef.KEY_MAP. For example, to add support for node.on('key', callback, 'arrowup'), you'd do:

Y.Node.DOM_EVENTS.key.eventDef.KEY_MAP.arrowup = 38;


  1. You can't yet indicate that modifiers must not be in effect or key combinations must only include those modifiers.
  2. You can't yet specify types or modifiers on a per-code basis.
  3. Though you can specify keys by their common name, the event is not yet decorated in any way with that common name, so you still have to refer to the keyCode in callback code.