The Node Utility provides an expressive way to collect, create, and manipulate DOM nodes. Each Node
instance represents an underlying DOM node, and each NodeList
represents a collection of DOM nodes. With Node
, you can manage classNames (myNode.addClass('foo')
) and styles (myNode.setStyle('opacity', 0.5)
), create elements (Y.Node.create('<div id="foo" class="foo"><p>foo</p></div>')
), and much more.
Note: The method Y.get
has been deprecated in favor of
. The methods Node::query
and Node::queryAll
have been deprecated in favor of Node::one
and Node::all
To continue using the deprecated methods, you will need to use('node-deprecated')
Getting Started
To include the source files for Node and its dependencies, first load the YUI seed file if you haven't already loaded it.
<script src=""></script>
Next, create a new YUI instance for your application and populate it with the
modules you need by specifying them as arguments to the YUI().use()
YUI will automatically load any dependencies required by the modules you
// Create a new YUI instance and populate it with the required modules. YUI().use('node', function (Y) { // Node is available and ready for use. Add implementation // code here. });
For more information on creating YUI instances and on the
method, see the
documentation for the YUI Global object.
Using Node
Getting a Node
is the interface for DOM operations in YUI 3.
The Node API is based on the standard DOM API, and provides additional sugar
properties and methods that make common operations easier, and implementation
code more concise. Developers familiar with the standard DOM API will find Node
instances to be very familiar.
The simplest way to get a Node
instance is using your YUI instance's one
accepts either an existing DOM element or a selector query. If a selector query is used,
the first matching element is used.
Note: CSS3 selector support is not included by default with Node, you will need to include the "selector-css3" module for CSS3 support.
This example demonstrates two ways to get a node instance.
var node1 ='#main'); var node2 =;
Accessing Node Properties
Properties of the underlying DOM node are accessed via the Y.Node
instance's set
and get
methods. For simple property types (strings, numbers, booleans), these pass directly to/from the underlying node, but properties that normally return DOM nodes return Y.Node
instances instead.
This is an example of getting and setting various properties.
var node ='#foo'); var parent = node.get('parentNode'); // Node instance var html = 'I am "' + node.get('id') + '".'; html += 'My parent is "' + parent.get('id') + '"'; node.set('innerHTML', html);
DOM Events
Use the on
method to add an event listener to a Node
The event object passed as the first argument to each listener is an event facade
that, like the Node API, normalizes browser differences and provides a standard API for
working with DOM events based on the W3C standard. All properties of the event object
that would normally return DOM elements return Y.Node
instances.'#demo').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); alert('event: ' + e.type + ' target: ' +'tagName')); });
DOM Methods
The Y.Node
API provides all of the DOM methods you would expect, plus a few extras to help with common tasks.
As with properties and events, any methods that would normally return DOM nodes instead return Y.Node
var node ='#demo'); var node2 = node.appendChild('#foo p')); node2.addClass('bar');
Using NodeList
The Y.NodeList
provides a node-like interface for manipulating multiple nodes through a single interface. The NodeList
API is a pared-down version of the Node
API, allowing for batching of common tasks.
The Y.all
method is the simplest way to get a NodeList
Y.all('#demo li').addClass('bar');
The Y.Node
api returns NodeList
instances when the DOM would normally return a collection of elements.'#demo').get('children').addClass('bar');
Node Queries
Selector queries are a powerful way to test and manipulate nodes. All Y.Node
instances support one
, all
, and test
var node ='#demo'); var node2 ='p'); if (node2) { // might be null node2.addClass('bar'); // adds "bar" to the first paragraph descendant of #demo } node.all('p').addClass('bar'); // adds "bar" to all paragraph descendants of #demo if (node.test('')) { // "if node has both foo and bar classNames" node.removeClass('bar'); }
For more information on selector queries, see the following W3C specifications:
Note: CSS3 selector support is not included by default with Node, you will need to include the "selector-css3" module for CSS3 support.
ARIA Support
The Node interface has support for ARIA. When used with Node's built-in support for CSS selector queries, it is easy to both apply and manage a Node's roles, states and properties.
The ARIA Roles, States and Properties enhance the semantics of HTML, allowing developers to more accurately describe the intended purpose of a region of a page, or a DHTML widget, thereby improving the user experience for users of assistive technology, such as screen readers.
Apply any of the ARIA Roles, States and Properties via
the set
method. For example, to apply the
role of
to a <div>
with an id of "toolbar":
var node ='#toolbar').set('role', 'toolbar');
Node's built-in support for CSS selector queries,
method chaining, and ability to set multiple attributes
on a single Node instance makes it especially easy to apply
the ARIA Roles, States, and Properties when building
DHTML widgets with a large subtree. For example, when
building a menubar widget it is necessary to apply a role
to the root DOM element representing the menubar, and the
role of
to the root DOM element representing each submenu.
Additionally, as each submenu is hidden by
default, the aria-hidden
state will need to be applied to each submenu as well.
The Node interface makes it possible to do all of this in
one line of code:
var node ='#rootmenu').set('role', 'menubar'), nodes = node.all('.menu'); nodes.setAttrs({ role: 'menu', 'aria-hidden': true });
Migration Table
The following table is included to help users migrating from YUI 2. Most of the functionality from YAHOO.util.Dom
is available via Node
Note In the snippets below, myNode
is an instance of Node
. Methods that normally would return DOM nodes now return Node instances.
2.x (via YAHOO.util.Dom) |
3.0 |
addClass | myNode.addClass |
batch | NodeList[methodName], NodeList.each, or Y.each |
generateId | Y.guid |
get | Note strings are now treated as selectors (e.g. "'#foo')" vs. "YAHOO.util.Dom.get('foo')") |
getAncestorBy | myNode.ancestor |
getAncestorByClassName | myNode.ancestor |
getAncestorByTagName | myNode.ancestor |
getChildren | myNode.get('children') |
getChildrenBy | myNode.all |
getClientRegion | myNode.get('viewportRegion') |
getDocumentHeight | myNode.get('docHeight') |
getDocumentScrollLeft | myNode.get('docScrollX') |
getDocumentScrollTop | myNode.get('docScrollY') |
getDocumentWidth | myNode.get('docWidth') |
getElementsBy | myNode.all |
getElementsByClassName | myNode.all |
getFirstChild | |
getFirstChildBy | |
getLastChild | |
getLastChildBy | |
getNextSibling | |
getNextSiblingBy | |
getPreviousSibling | myNode.previous |
getPreviousSiblingBy | myNode.previous |
getRegion | myNode.get('region') |
getStyle | myNode.getStyle |
getViewportHeight | myNode.get('winHeight') |
getViewportWidth | myNode.get('winWidth') |
getX | myNode.getXY |
getY | myNode.getXY |
getXY | myNode.getXY |
hasClass | myNode.hasClass |
inDocument | myNode.inDoc |
insertAfter | myNode.insert |
insertBefore | myNode.insert |
isAncestor | myNode.contains (Note myNode.contains(myNode) === true) |
removeClass | myNode.removeClass |
replaceClass | myNode.replaceClass |
setStyle | myNode.setStyle |
setX | myNode.setXY |
setY | myNode.setXY |
setXY | myNode.setXY |